We suggest planning ahead by looking at our upcoming French Bulldog litters. We are happy to help you find your perfect Frenchie baby.
Sometimes it just takes a little time. The gestation period is 63 days (approximately two months). This means we can make our best prediction of what color of babies we will have about two months in advance. We place our babies at ten weeks old. This should give you an idea of how long you may need to wait for your little one. It could be shorter or longer depending on what our Frenchie momma’s have.
We do accept $300 deposits for first available of a certain color/gender (you can request multiple colors & both genders to increase your chances of being matched sooner). For example say you want a blue female. The deposit would read: Deposit: 1st available blue female French Bulldog. May transfer deposit to any puppy. Note 1st does not mean you get first pick of a litter. It means first available. There may be other people ahead of you in line. If you do not feel like you connect with a particular puppy, you can wait until the next available Frenchie. Often you do get to pick from more than one but not always. Keep this in mind when placing a deposit. You can read more below on how our deposit system works for upcoming litters.