Gus is a beautiful lilac merle male french bulldog puppy. His coloring is spectacular and his breeding is the result of 25 years of successful
Gigi-2911 tiny lilac female French Bulldog
Gigi is a pretty little lilac fawn female french bulldog puppy. She is petite and delicate. She has beautiful confirmation and a super nice round
Gracie-2303 lilac mostly white female French Bulldog
Look at Gracie... a strip and a snip of white on her little face. White on her chest and white on all of her little feet!! What a little doll baby!!
Ghost-9566 lilac female French Bulldog
Look at this little light colored lilac merle girl!! She is the prettiest little lilac female french bulldog i have ever seen!! Super light with white
Ginny-9518 lilac merle female French Bulldog
Ginny is a light colored lilac merle french bulldog female puppy. She is a result of 25 years of breeding french bulldogs. We are so proud of this
CLASSY-9309 black female French Bulldog
Classy is a perfect name for this puppy! She is more than classy, she is spectacular! He’s super beautiful black with a touch of white to just accent
COOKIE-9910 lilac female French Bulldog
Cookie is just that and more! Cute, cute, cute! A beautiful little Lilac French Bulldog maybe with white accents. Just enough to give her classy
CHIEF-9331 lilac male French Bulldog
Chief is just handsome! Simply no white on his face gives him a gentle elegant look. He has a smidge of white on his chest. Chief has
AMARA-0636 brindle female French Bulldog
Amara is a super beautiful dynamically colored little French Bulldog! She is so chunky and looks like a little teddy bear. Her coloring is over and